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Attorney General Herring Changes Virginia’s Legal Position In Marriage Equality Case
Commonwealth of Virginia Office of the Attorney General ATTORNEY GENERAL HERRING CHANGES VIRGINIA’S LEGAL POSITION IN MARRIAGE EQUALITY CASE RICHMOND -- Attorney General Mark R. Herring today changed Virginia's legal position in Bostic v. Rainey, siding with the...
10 Groups That Are Building a Movement for Economic Justice From the Grassroots Up
With more than 46 million people living below the poverty line, struggling to survive on $19,530 or less for a family of three, and with more than one in three Americans living on less than twice that amount, scrimping to pay for basics, this country will require a...
ACTION ALERT: HB207 Would Muzzle Science Teachers in Virginia
There is often debate about what exactly the First Amendment means, however, in an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists, Thomas Jefferson made clear that the purpose of the First Amendment was to establish a "wall of separation" between Church and State in order to...
This New World Order Conspiracy Theorist Is Advising Republicans on Environmental Policy
By day, Shamley is a consultant and natural resources coordinator for Arizona's Apache County. But by night, he's a conspiracy theorist who until recently hosted an online radio show called The Hour of the Time, during which he speculates that UFO sightings are a...
McDonnell Indicted by Federal Grand Jury
Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were indicted today by a federal grand jury on 14 counts stemming from the first couple’s acceptance and solicitation of thousands in gifts and loans from a wealthy businessman during McDonnell’s term. The...
Action Alert: Google is funding ALEC.
For decades, one shadowy right-wing group has helped powerful corporations introduce and pass legislation quietly in nearly every state. They write entire bills from start to finish in a massive coordinated effort to push their conservative agenda at the state level....
Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Solution to Poverty
McAuliffe: Settle Medicaid or let me decide
TONIGHT: Greene Dems Movie & Potluck
Stop the Trans Pacific Partnership Fast Track
Tell your Representative to oppose H.R. 3830 "the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014," legislation to grant "Fast Track" authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP has been negotiated by corporate insiders with the media, the public,...