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The NH Rebellion Walk
Inspired by Doris “Granny D” Haddock, whom at the age of 88 walked across America to bring attention to this critical issue, the New Hampshire Rebellion set out to traverse 185 miles and inspire people in the Granite State to ask all presidential candidates just one...
Watch a Republican: Obamacare Shouldn’t Cover Pregnancies Because My Wife is ‘fixed’
By Salvatore Aversa Representative Phil Roe, a Republican from Tennessee, speaking on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, at the Heritage Foundation’s Conservative Policy Summit, took the opportunity to oppose ObamaCare, while also announcing a little too much information...
Federal Judge Strikes Down Virginia Gay Marriage Ban
By Ashley Alman A federal judge ruled Virginia's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional late Thursday. From the ruling: U.S. District Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen wrote that the constitutional right to equality should apply to all, including same-sex couples seeking...
Yet Another Republican Flees The #GOP Citing Blatant Misogyny, Bigotry And Racism via Crooks and Liars A former Republican congresswoman in Florida has left the GOP and joined the Democrats, citing her former party’s increasing attacks on women and other minorities. Ana Rivas Logan said: “The GOP of today is not the party I joined. It’s...
United For Marriage Equality In Virginia
It is time for Virginia to be on the right side of history and the right side of the law. That's why after thorough legal analysis, I recently announced that I have concluded Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage violates the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of...
BREAKING: Virginia Ultrasound Repeal
Dear Friend, What a difference a year can make! Just last year, without allowing any debate, a Republican controlled committee struck down my legislation to repeal the invasive ultrasound mandate. Today, I was proud to cast the tie-breaking vote in support of...
Stop protecting polluters
On February 3, a Duke Energy coal ash pond ruptured—spilling more than 80,000 tons of coal ash into North Carolina’s Dan River. Enough toxic sludge to fill 73 Olympic-sized pools. But this was no accident. In the past year, three Clean Water Act lawsuits were filed...
GOP steps in Obamacare trap: Watch their false claims blow up in their face!
For the right, attacks against Obamacare's market disruption were great fun. Until it doomed their own plan. By Brian Beutler Late last year, when conservatives everywhere were grieving publicly for each American who’d received a cancellation notice from a health...
LTE Contra Robert Hurt
In his column of February 6, 2014, Mr. Robert Hurt, Congressman for Madison's Congressional District continues his criticism of President Barack Obama, particularly criticizing the President's policies for growing the economy and creating jobs. Mr. Hurt encourages his...
LTE Contra Robert Hurt
I’m responding to Robert Hurt’s article in the Feb 6 Eagle. I agree with him that much of what politicians say is “empty rhetoric,” including the words of President Obama and Robert Hurt. I cannot agree with Robert Hurt’s assessment of the President’s record. Mr....