Category: Social Security (Page 1 of 5)

The House GOP Just Revealed Its Plan To Cut Social Security

The House GOP Just Revealed Its Plan To Cut Social SecurityWashington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after the Republican Chairman of the Social Security Subcommittee of Ways and Means, Chairman Sam Johnson, introduced legislation late yesterday that would inflict deep cuts in Social Security benefits:

“Apparently nothing upsets House Republicans like the idea of hard-working people getting to enjoy a secure and dignified retirement.  While Speaker Ryan sharpens his knives for Medicare, Chairman Johnson’s bill is an alarming sign that Republicans are greedily eying devastating cuts to Americans’ Social Security benefits as well.”

“Republicans apparently aren’t going to be satisfied with phasing out Medicare. They’re going to try to pass huge cuts to Social Security this year too. Not Bush-style partial phaseout but just big, big cuts. And you’re out of luck even if you’re a current beneficiary. “

“Cutting Social Security would have devastating consequences for Americans’ retirement security.  At a time when Americans are more anxious about their retirement than ever, the top Republican on the Social Security Subcommittee is rolling out legislation that cuts benefits by more than a third, raises the retirement age from 67 to 69, cuts seniors’ cost of living adjustments, and targets benefits for the families of disabled and retired workers.”

“Slashing Social Security and ending Medicare are absolutely not what the American people voted for in November.  Democrats will not stand by while Republicans dismantle the promise of a healthy and dignified retirement for working people in America.”


Text of the legislation:

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Here’s What Happens When 45% of Voters Stay Home

A week ago at this time, pundits were speculating that Paul Ryan had so alienated the right wing with his tepid support for soon-to-be-presidential-loser Donald Trump that he might not retain his job as Speaker of the House when a new Congress is sworn in early next year.

What a difference a week makes.

Today, because 45% of Americans chose not to vote, Ryan finds himself with a surprising opportunity to enact his long-held dream of shredding America’s social safety net like Oliver North going after a filing cabinet full of Iran-contra documents. And first up on his chopping block is Medicare.

Ryan’s plan is to replace the totally-not-going-broke Medicare with what he calls “premium price supports.” This is fancy wonk-speak for “vouchers that would be used to buy private insurance but would not keep up with the cost of inflation, thereby saddling seniors with enormous additional healthcare expenses out of their own pockets.” Good luck stretching out those Social Security checks, folks! Assuming Ryan doesn’t gut that next.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on the Chopping Block

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a U.S. government agency that makes sure banks, lenders, and other financial companies treat you fairly. Most recently, the CFPB ordered Wells Fargo to refund thousands of customers who were charged fees for unauthorized accounts.

In case there was any doubt about Elizabeth Warren’s feelings toward John Stumpf, the C.E.O. of Wells Fargo, it was cleared up during a hearing before the Senate Banking Committee. “Okay, so you haven’t resigned, you haven’t returned a single nickel of your personal earnings, you haven’t fired a single senior executive,” Warren said to Stumpf, during an interaction that might properly be characterized as a verbal evisceration. “Instead, evidently, your definition of ‘accountable’ is to push the blame to your low-level employees who don’t have the money for a fancy P.R. firm to defend themselves.”

Senator Warren warns that the CFPB may be among the early victims of a Republican administration. Social Security, Food Stamps and Health Care won’t be far behind.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren – Timeline | Facebook

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, Washington, District of Columbia. 1,760,271 likes · 36,458 talking about this. Official page of the office of U.S. Senator…

The Story of Us

Economy and jobs, Education, Environment, Health, Justice and equality, National security. What are YOU voting for?

Like Madison, too many rural communities aren’t reaping the rewards of our nation’s economic success—despite their critical role in our economy. Unemployment and poverty rates present a real challenge to these communities while accessible health care and education are too often out of reach.

“I believe a strong America depends on strong rural communities. For prosperity to be real and lasting, it has to take root … in small towns and in rural areas across the country.” -Hillary, August 26, 2015

As president, Hillary will:

  • Spur investment. Hillary will create a national infrastructure bank to improve rural transportation and broadband access and grow the rural economy by expanding access to capital. She’ll also expand the New Markets Tax Credit that will encourage investments to prevent communities from spiraling downward after a major economic shift or plant closing.
  • Support family farms. Hillary will increase funding to support the next generation of farmers and ranchers in local food markets and regional food systems. And she’ll create a focused safety net to help family farms get through challenging times.
  • Promote clean energy. Hillary will encourage our nation’s commitment to clean energy by assisting farms that conserve and improve natural resources. She’ll also strengthen the Renewable Fuel Standard and double loans that help support the bio-based economy.
  • Expand opportunity. Hillary will increase funding for Early Head Start, universal pre-K, free community college, and support for telemedicine and Medicaid expansion.


Learn more about Hillary’s vision for America..

Who’s funding Tom Garrett’s campaign?

Who’s funding Tom Garrett’s campaign?

Records show that Tom Garrett has taken $5,000 from the Koch Industries PAC, another $5,000 from their astroturf group, the National Federation of Independent Businesses, and $5,000 from Dominion Power, a utility he voted to deregulate in the Virginia General Assembly just last year.

The right-wing “Congressional Leadership Fund” Super PAC has pumped one million dollars of dark money to salvage our opponent’s faltering campaign. We can’t track any of that money, but the remaining $493,489 that he’s raised is available for public review from the Federal Election Commission.

Who’s funding Tom Garrett’s campaign?

Source:, accessed 11-02-2016

Roughly 40 percent of his total contributions comes from Political Action Committees (compared with fewer than 10 percent of Jane’s).

Records show that he’s taken $5,000 from the Koch Industries PAC and another $5,000 from their astroturf group, the National Federation of Independent Businesses.

Tom Garrett accepted $5,000 from Dominion Power, a utility he voted to deregulate in the General Assembly last year. American Electric Power ($1,000) and Verizon Communications ($2,000) also chipped in to join the Corporate Monopolies For Garrett coalition.

Earlier this year, manufacturing company Timken announced a plant closing in Altavista that will cost our district 125 jobs as they consolidate operations into a North Carolina facility. What did they do with the cost savings? They gave $1,000 to Tom Garrett.

If you’re tired of corporations buying politicians, please step up and help Jane today.

I’m proud that our campaign has been supported by individuals who believe in Jane’s experience and ability to solve problems in our District. We have hundreds of volunteers ready to make phone calls and knock on doors in this final weekend before Election Day. Thousands of you have contributed time and money to help us get the word out.

I know you’ve donated to Jane before. I have too. I’m asking again because with just five days to go, we are down to the wire. We need to make sure Jane’s message is heard over the $1,000,000 in dark money pouring into our District.


Contribute to Jane Dittmar for Congress


Tom Vandever
Campaign Manager

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