Ken Cuccinelli wants to protect your right to bear arms—and a whole lot more.

“Rest easy knowing our attorneys will personally monitor the bedrooms of known and suspected sodomites.”
A message to real Americans from Ken Cuccinelli’s Virginia Self Defense Law:
We know that you aren’t just law abiding. You are, in our view, “universally far more law abiding statistically than the average population.” That’s why we’ve created a law firm dedicated to protecting your Second Amendment rights—and your right to shoot anyone who looks like they might be a threat to you, your family, or your freedom.
But if you think the government only wants to interfere with your casual gun use, you are sadly mistaken. Just think, Virginians, about how many other threats to your FREEDOM™ lurk in everyday conduct. That’s why our team of FREEDOM™-protecting litigators will provide you complete legal and professional services, not merely for your gun-related enjoyment, but for anything else that may result in police harassment, frivolous prosecutions, and governmental abuses. That includes…