For Democracy

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Meet Jack Trammell

Democratic candidate for Virginia's 7th Congressional District, Jack Trammell speaks at a gathering of supporters hosted at the home of Clark and Kelly Mercer in Ashland, Virginia. Jack believes first and foremost in serving the...

Official Notice: Photo ID for Voting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOTICE TO:  REGISTERED VOTERS OF MADISON COUNTY FROM:  DIANA A. EANES, GENERAL REGISTRAR PHOTO ID FOR VOTING Effective July 1, 2014, voter cards sent to you by this office will no longer be used for identification purposes at the polls....

The Most Venal Man in Virginia

"Republicans appear to have outmaneuvered Gov. Terry McAuliffe in a state budget standoff by persuading a Democratic senator to resign his seat, at least temporarily giving the GOP control of the chamber and possibly dooming the governor’s push to expand Medicaid...

Republicans Propose Limiting Food Aid to Rural Children

Usually Republicans are a little more subtle in their contempt for poor people in urban areas. But now they're being completely up-front about it. Poor white kids will get extra money for meals when school is out of session. Poor black kids won't. I'm not surprised...


MADISON VA 22727-0081

Paid for by Madison County Democratic Committee


Madison County Democratic Committee

P. O. Box 81
Madison, VA 22727-0081