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Two Americas
"If you're black and driving in Beverly Hills with one headlight, you better be on a motorcycle." Red Foxx
Senate report on CIA program details brutality, dishonesty
An exhaustive, five-year Senate investigation of the CIA’s secret interrogations of terrorism suspects renders a strikingly bleak verdict of a program launched in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, describing levels of brutality, dishonesty and seemingly...
Boehner Drops Obama Lawsuit; Says It Would Mean Doing Something
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) dropped his plans to sue President Obama on Friday, explaining to reporters, “I realized it would mean doing something.” In a brief appearance before the press, Speaker Boehner talked about his...
Texas Public Schools Teaching Kids That Jews Practice ‘Flawed Religion’ and that Blacks Are ‘Descended from Ham’
A religious studies professor found instances of students learning a literal interpretation of the Bible. A report put out by the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund reveals that in some Texas public schools, classes on the Bible's impact on history are being taught...
I can’t breathe
Thousands of people marched through the streets from New York City to San Francisco for a second straight night following the grand jury decision not to indict a...
Voter Suppression Tactics – Jim Crow Returns
Based on the Crosscheck lists, officials have begun the process of removing names from the rolls — beginning with 41,637 in Virginia alone. Yet the criteria used for matching these double voters are disturbingly inadequate..
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What if the outcome of the 2016 election has already been decided?
After losing the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections, Republicans know they can't win in a fair election - so their latest plan is to steal the Presidency by rigging the Electoral College around their gerrymandered Congressional districts. For all...