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Tell Congress: Stop the attack on women’s health!
There's not just one but TWO bills--one in the House and one in the Senate--that are trying to make Planned Parenthood health centers a distant memory. Senator David Vitter (R-LA) and over 80 GOP House members are leading the effort to attack Planned Parenthood's...
Republicans Expose Obama’s College Plan as Plot to Make People Smarter WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—President Obama’s plan to offer Americans two years of college for free has come under fire from congressional Republicans, who are calling it a blatant plot to make...
Virginia bill would legalize discrimination against gay people
Nearly a year ago, Kansas legislators quietly attempted to legalize anti-gay segregation, abandoning the effort only after a national wave of outrage arose. Now a Republican delegate in Virginia is attempting to replicate Kansas’ effort—with a bill so extreme, so...
First Day Of The New Congress
By Rep. Lloyd Doggett To those who have wondered what would be the top priority of this new Congress, now we know—deception, what some could even rightly call “tax fraud.” Today, on a largely partisan vote of 234 to 172, the House approved over my objection a new...
Don’t fall for the Republican’s upcoming generational-divide tactics
By Robert Reich The Republican congress that takes over this week will try to drive a generational wedge through the electorate. They’re cooking up arguments that the nation can’t afford to provide our children adequate health care and education if we’re going to meet...
The 18 CEOs who wrecked the economy
Meet a few of the job destroyers and tax evaders that want to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid while lowering the tax rate for the top 2% "There really is no shame. The Wall Street leaders whose recklessness and illegal behavior caused this terrible...
Overturn Citizens United
The Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United has allowed corporations and other special interests to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into our elections, effectively buying up chunks of our federal, state and local governments. It’s time to choke off this...
Rubio Vows to Block Twenty-first Century
CREDIT PHOTOGRAPH BY MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Seizing upon an issue that could become the cornerstone of a possible 2016 Presidential campaign, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said on Thursday that he would do everything in his power to...
GOP greets economic news with total silence
For those hoping to see the American economy succeed, there are a lot of reasons to smile this morning. Economic growth is at an 11-year high. Job growth is at a 15-year high. The stock market is soaring. Wages are rising. Gas prices are plummeting. American...
Dangerous game: Republicans freeze Secret Service budget over immigration
By DAVID ROGERS First came the White House fence jumpers. Now it’s Congress, fencing off money for the embattled Secret Service because of a totally unrelated fight with President Barack Obama over immigration. Just last Thursday, an independent review panel warned...