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Access to quality broadband is a necessity of modern life
To The Editor Central Virginia is an amazing place to live. We are blessed with natural beauty and historical significance. However, many of our neighbors are struggling. In much of the region, where we once had thriving industry and agriculture, there is now little...
LTE: Dittmar has strong fiscal record
With no reservations, I support the election of Democrat Jane Dittmar to Congress. From 1990 until 2002, I was an elected Republican and served two terms as chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. I believed in the Republican Party’s ethics of small...
Correction: Obamacare Premiums Are Going Up About 0% For Most People
Obamacare premiums are going up and so are the subsidies. But how much are the subsidies going up? The chart below shows this for the 15 states with the highest premium increases: Kevin Drum explains: As you can see, subsidies are increasing more than premiums in...
For the Record: Tom Garrett’s Top Ten Most Ridiculous Lies
CHARLOTTESVILLE—Before tonight’s debate, Jane Dittmar’s campaign released Tom Garrett’s top ten most ridiculous lies and hypocritical statements. “Tom Garrett continuously repeats in our debates “You’re entitled to your own opinions, but not...
Trump’s greatest service to America may be ending Paul Ryan’s career
Though Ryan was, ostensibly, second fiddle to Mitt Romney, the GOP’s most influential minds spoke of the blue-eyed congressman as the One True King. According to Republican Überlobbyist Grover Norquist, the country needs only to “pick a Republican with enough working...
Breaking: President Obama to Announce Endorsement of Jane Dittmar for Congress
“As we exit the stage, to make sure that we’re passing the baton not only to Hillary Clinton,” he said, “but also to a Congress that is willing to do the people’s business.” President Barack Obama is endorsing 30 more House candidates Monday, expanding his effort to...
Editorial: Bury Trump in a Landslide
Never have we questioned a candidate’s fitness to serve. Then came Donald Trump — liar, thief, bully, hypocrite, sexual victimizer and unhinged, self-adoring demagogue. The 16-month campaign since Trump vaingloriously entered the race has horrifyingly revealed that...
Captain Humayun Khan, American Hero
Khizr Khan Asks Trump: 'Would My Son Have A Place In Your America?' Before terrorists attacked New York and Washington in 2001, Captain Humayun Khan had planned to leave the Army to attend law school. But 9/11 changed his plans, and in...
BREAKING: Federal Judge Extends Virginia Voter Registration
Commonwealth of Virginia Office of Governor Terry McAuliffe FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 20, 2016 Office of the Governor Contact: Brian Coy Email: Governor McAuliffe Statement on Ruling Extending Voting Registration RICHMOND –...
New Poll: Dittmar vs Garret Now Just A Six-Point Race CONTACT: Genevieve Cox 434.466.7496 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Poll: Dittmar vs Garret Now Just A Six-Point Race Dittmar leads with independents 41% to 38% A poll conducted ten days...