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U.S. House passes Keystone bill
BREAKING: The House of Representatives just approved the Keystone XL pipeline, which scientists warn will mean "game over" for the planet. If built, KXL is expected to earn the Koch brothers $100 billion in profits, making them the wealthiest family in human history....
The People Have Spoken!
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When We Don’t Like the Solution, We Deny the Problem
Ichijo writes: A new study (abstract) from Duke University tested whether the desirability of a solution affects beliefs in the existence of the associated problem. Researchers found that 'yes, people will deny the problem when they don't like the solution. Quoting:...
Kochs Approve Plan to Fire Cash from Cannon at Voters
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The billionaire Koch brothers have approved a controversial plan to shoot cash from cannons directly at voters heading into polling places on Election Day. The plan, which Koch insiders have privately referred to as Operation Money Shot,...
This is what it’s like to try to get a Voter ID when you’re disabled, poor or don’t drive
What's the big deal about getting an ID? You need one, after all, to participate in society in all kinds of other ways — to drive, to get married, to buy beer. Surely the requirement to show an ID on Election Day can't be that burdensome. This is a common defense of...
Millions of Minority Voters Threatened by Electoral Purge
Bad politicians are elected by good citizens who don’t vote
If GOP Takes Senate, Climate Change Deniers Will Control Key Committees
It wasn’t long ago that coal executives were openly discussing their dream of Republicans seizing the White House and making Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe — who believes climate change is a “hoax” concocted by greedy scientists — the head of the EPA. Coal companies...