For Democracy

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Why Do Women Vote Republican?

A new poll from Public Policy Polling is making headlines this week because it reveals that 57 percent of Republican primary voters want to make Christianity the national religion, even though doing so would require removing the First Amendment from the Constitution....

Letter to the Editor: The real ID sham in Virginia

Regarding the Feb. 10 Metro article “Bill requires photo ID with vote requests made by mail”: Would Del. Jeffrey L. Campbell (R-Marion) and Sen. Mark D. Obenshain (R-Harrisonburg) buy into the same argument for closing loopholes for sales at gun shows that they used...

Meet the new Bush, same as the old Bush

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush will announce his foreign policy vision in a speech Wednesday in Chicago. Accompanying that speech is a rollout of a slate of experts who will help guide the candidate on foreign policy issues. If Bush's goal is to present himself as...


MADISON VA 22727-0081

Paid for by Madison County Democratic Committee


Madison County Democratic Committee

P. O. Box 81
Madison, VA 22727-0081