For Democracy
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Why does Del. Mark Cole hate Democracy?
Because elections are locally administered in the United States, voter suppression varies among jurisdictions. At the founding of the country, most states limited the right to vote to property-owning white males. Over time, the right to vote was formally granted to...
Why Do Women Vote Republican?
A new poll from Public Policy Polling is making headlines this week because it reveals that 57 percent of Republican primary voters want to make Christianity the national religion, even though doing so would require removing the First Amendment from the Constitution....
Stewart Risher for 30th District Delegate
February 23, 2015 Contact: Tim Cotton at FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LOCAL DEMOCRAT ANNOUNCES BID FOR ED SCOTT’S DELEGATE SEAT Local Democrat Stewart Risher, 54, a retired Air Traffic Controller of Rixeyville, VA is proud to announce his...
Ralph Northam confirms he’s running to become next Va. governor
RICHMOND — Lt. Gov. Ralph S. Northam said Tuesday that he intends to run for governor in 2017, setting up a possible primary battle with another likely candidate, Attorney General Mark R. Herring. In a state where the governor cannot serve back-to-back terms, Northam...
Letter to the Editor: The real ID sham in Virginia
Regarding the Feb. 10 Metro article “Bill requires photo ID with vote requests made by mail”: Would Del. Jeffrey L. Campbell (R-Marion) and Sen. Mark D. Obenshain (R-Harrisonburg) buy into the same argument for closing loopholes for sales at gun shows that they used...
#Republicans treat being ignorant as the equivalent of being educated
If you ever want to make a conservative touchy, the quickest way—out of many quick ways—is to hint that the connection between ignorance and holding right-wing views is more than a coincidence. But when you look at what Republican politicians get up to these days,...
When Dad Was VP, Jeb Bush Lobbied The Administration For A Medicare Fraudster
by Ryan Grim WASHINGTON -- Jeb Bush personally lobbied the secretary of health and human services, while his father was vice president, on behalf of a Miami figure who would later flee the country accused of one of the greatest Medicare frauds in the program's...
The Very Definition of Greed
Meet the new Bush, same as the old Bush
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush will announce his foreign policy vision in a speech Wednesday in Chicago. Accompanying that speech is a rollout of a slate of experts who will help guide the candidate on foreign policy issues. If Bush's goal is to present himself as...
Wisconsin Governor Moves To Block Hospital Visitation Rights For Same-Sex Couples
Madison – Gov. Scott Walker believes a new law that gives gay couples hospital visitation rights violates the state constitution and has asked a judge to allow the state to stop defending it. Democrats who controlled the Legislature in 2009 changed the law so that...