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Virginia’s toothless ethics reform
When the dust settled in the GOP-controlled legislature, the loopholes stayed wide open, and the action turned out to be mostly pantomime.
Jones to step down as head of state Democratic Party
BY JIM NOLAN Richmond Times-Dispatch Richmond Mayor Dwight C. Jones is expected to step aside this weekend as chairman of the Democratic Party of Virginia. Sources said Jones, who was appointed chairman by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, will formally step aside at a meeting of...
#Ferguson police routinely violate blacks’ rights, federal review finds
By Sari Horwitz The Justice Department will issue findings Wednesday that accuse the police department in Ferguson, Mo., of racial bias and routinely violating the constitutional rights of black citizens by stopping drivers without reasonable suspicion, making arrests...
Hypocrisy in the 17th
GERRYMANDERING is the deliberate manipulation of legislative district boundaries to advantage or benefit a particular party or group, or to cause disadvantage or harm to an opposing party or group. It distorts the electoral process, undermines democracy, and renders...
Libertarianism is for petulant children: Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and the movement’s sad “rebellion”
Libertarians fancy themselves radicals, and yet their rallying cry can be reduced to "You're not the boss of me!" Libertarians believe themselves controversial and cool. They’re desperate to package themselves as dangerous rebels, but in reality they are champions of...
Republicans are Taking America Back. To the 19th Century.
Senator Snowball
Is Sen. James Inhofe really the person we want chairing the Senate's environment committee? What’s all this talk about global hunger? I don’t know about you, but I just tucked into a burrito and there are plenty more where that one came from. But that doesn’t mean the...
Virginia Republicans Continue to Block Free and Fair Elections
In the process of setting electoral districts, gerrymandering is a practice that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries to create partisan advantaged districts. The resulting district...
Breaking: Senate Panel OKs Loretta Lynch Nomination As Attorney General
Loretta Lynch, President Obama's nominee for attorney general, cleared a major hurdle today to succeed Eric Holder as the country's top law enforcement officer. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 12-8 to send the nomination to the full chamber, which is expected to...
Why the right hates American history
Thomas Jefferson knew that education is vital to a functioning Democratic Republic. Conservatives have other ideas THOM HARTMANN, ALTERNET Sure, the war on education helps Republican lawmakers destroy unions and slash government spending, but it’s our history of...