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Chafee to announce presidential bid today
Former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee (D), a one-time Republican U.S. senator who notably broke with the GOP on the 2002 Iraq war authorization, is expected to announce today that he will seek the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination....
ALEC – The Backroom Where Laws Are Born Virginia legislative members of ALEC include David Albo, R, Virginia House of Delegates[28] Kathy Byron, R, Virginia House of Delegates[36] Benjamin Cline, R, Virginia House of Delegates[28] Mark Cole, R,...
BREAKING: Senate Reaches Bipartisan Deal to Shut Down Ted Cruz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In what is being hailed as a rare example of bipartisan coöperation, Senate Democrats and Republicans came together today on a near-unanimous vote to defund Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). The measure, which shuts down all nonessential...
The Pentagon’s Response to Ted Cruz Regarding Jade Helm 15
Recently, Senator Ted Cruz from Texas asked the Pentagon to clarify its intentions with military exercises in Central Texas called "Jade Helm 15." The Pentagon's response follows: Dear Senator Cruz: Thank you for your inquiry into whether the Jade Helm 15 military...
I’m a Democrat
Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think
Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a pretty simple question: Does the government represent the people? Their study took data from nearly 2000 public...
Plutocracy or Democracy?
From a 4/26/15 lecture in Sperryville, Virginia, by Vernon Gras, Professor emeritus, English and Cultural Studies, Geroge Mason University.
Comstock votes to invade women’s privacy and their personal health care decisions
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 1, 2015 CONTACT: Morgan Finkelstein, Comstock Added to NRCC Most Vulnerable List One Day After Voting To Invade Women’s Privacy and Health Care Rights One-Term Wonder Congresswoman Barbara Comstock found...
Here are the Republican alternatives to Obamacare
The Republican strategy to offset demographic change
via Egberto Willies “We in the US have a growing minority population, a younger minority population that will over time convert the number of white Americans into a minority of the population,” Chris Matthews said. “If you are a Republican how do you deal with that...