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Virginia Together
It’s a simple but powerful idea: we are stronger together. “I did not start as a Democrat — I was actually a Republican. As I became more aware of the world outside of the sphere in which I was born, I realized that I wanted to identify with a group of Americans who...
Republicans Promise Smooth Transition of Hate from Obama to Clinton
WASHINGTON – Republicans today promised that there will be a “seamless transition of hatred” if President Obama is succeeded in office by Hillary Clinton. “Like many Americans, we will be saddened to see our lawsuits, investigations, and general harassment directed...
Chump in Chief?
"Be the moral defibrillators of our time" – Rev. William Barber II Brings Down the House North Carolina NAACP and Moral Monday leader William Barber called on Americans to “embrace” Hillary Clinton Thursday night during a speech at the Democratic National Convention. “I’m my heart, I’m troubled by the way faith...
Tim Kaine: “It’s a civil rights election” Tim Kaine addresses the Virginia delegates' breakfast at the Democratic National Convention in Philly on 7/27/16
Putin's Puppet
On Wednesday, Donald Trump told the New York Times that he would not necessarily come to the aid of NATO states threatened by Russia and would make his decision to defend them from an attack after reviewing whether they “have fulfilled their obligations to us.” It was...
Joe Montano, Jr., 47, Friend, Activist, Dedicated Public Servant
It is with our deepest sorrow and gratitude that the Montano family share the news of the untimely passing of their son, brother and uncle Joe Montano, Jr. 47, in his home in Falls Church, Virginia. He is survived by his parents Lori Montano and Jose Montano, his...
Bernie Sanders' DNC Speech
We need leadership in this country which will improve the lives of working families, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor. We need leadership which brings our people together and makes us stronger – not leadership which insults Latinos, Muslims, women,...
The School-to-Prison Pipeline Starts in Preschool
Disparities in education begin at an early age and we as a society need to make a commitment to fund our schools equitably so all students have a chance to succeed.
Larry Sabato on Trump's Scorched Earth Campaign
"We need to examine what has happened to have pushed us so low." -Larry J. Sabato In this week's #AmericanForumTV episode with host Doug Blackmon, political scientist and prognosticator Larry Sabato on the past and future of our political conventions and parties....