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Dittmar Campaign Denounces Sleazy Republican Charges
CONTACT: Genevieve Cox 434.466.7496 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CHARLOTTESVILLE—Jane Dittmar, 5th District congressional candidate, today denounced the attempt by the Garrett campaign to resurrect a long-resolved one-car accident from 1999 to...
Democracy is on the ballot November 8
There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter. “We know the progress we’ve made despite the forces of opposition, despite the forces of discrimination, despite the politics of backlash. That doesn’t stop with my...
Vote NO on the ‘Right to Work’ Constitutional Amendment
In 1947 a bill became law that made Virginia a "right to work state." This means anyone can go to work at a union company without being required to join the union. This is the law and no constitutional amendment is needed! Next month,...
This wasn’t just locker room banter.
"Now is the time for all of us to stand up and say enough is enough."
Boom Boom, Out Go The Lights (for Donald Trump)
You know your party's in trouble when your candidate is even too extreme for this nut job.
Donald Trump’s strategy for minority Americans? Don’t let them vote.
The Republican nominee’s rhetoric, inciting white rural and suburban voters who fear the voting clout of black urban Democrats, is a recipe for voter intimidation and even violence on Election Day. It also lays the groundwork for his followers to believe, if he...
When Trump promises to “Make America Great Again,” we should ask: Great for whom? When Trump promises to "Make America Great Again," we should ask: Great for whom, other than his base of white, working-class men without college degrees? Racists, sexists, homophobes and xenophobes? Certainly not for women, or Americans...
Register to vote (or check your status) right here, right now. It takes about 1 minute
Next General Election: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Deadline to register to vote, or update an existing registration, for the November 8, 2016 General Election is Monday, October 17, 2016 Deadline to request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you is 5:00 p.m. Tuesday,...
Dittmar Condemns Trump’s Sexual Assault Remarks
Dittmar Condemns Donald Trump and Calls on Opponent To Disavow Support for Trump After Sexual Assault Remarks Come to Light “These disgusting attitudes and abhorrent abusive criminal actions are rightfully condemned throughout our society. I am appalled to see them...
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women
An audio recording from 2005 features Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump making lewd comments about women during a conversation with then-”Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush. Excerpts of those remarks appear uncensored below. On the recording ― a video in...