For Democracy
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Protect Your Vote!
via VA 8th Congressional District Democratic Committee The Democratic Party of Virginia is dedicated to ensuring that all Virginians can exercise their rights to register, vote, and have their votes counted. More resources and info at:...
Gaughan Campaign Signs Available
The Fifth Congressional District Democratic campaign for Lawrence Gaughan for Congress is in full swing. Large (4' x 4') yard signs, small yard signs, and bumper stickers are now available. If you would like to put up a sign or a bumper sticker, contact your County...
What Would Happen Under a Republican Senate? Watch the latest video from Robert Reich and MoveOn — and then sign up to make phone calls from the comfort of your own home to voters in Michigan, South Dakota, Colorado, North Carolina, Iowa, and Kentucky. Prefer to call Virginia...
Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire
By Tim Dickinson The enormity of the Koch fortune is no mystery. Brothers Charles and David are each worth more than $40 billion. The electoral influence of the Koch brothers is similarly well-chronicled. The Kochs are our homegrown oligarchs; they've cornered the...
Your Tobacco Settlement Dollars at Work
The Virginia Way continues to tarnish the state’s image. In another example of activity that might not be illegal, but which is certainly dubious, the state’s tobacco commission has been handing out grants to its chairman’s kinfolk. That chairman would be Terry...
The Art of the Gerrymander
If you’ve been following the 2014 midterm elections, you know there’s very little chance that the U.S. House of Representatives will go blue this year. One reason is gerrymandering, where congressional districts are redrawn to either pack opposing voters into...
Fact-Checking Perry’s Spin Machine
Spin 1: A partisan witch hunt produced Perry’s criminal charges. NOT TRUE. Over 36 years the Travis Co. Public Integrity Unit prosecuted 21 officials: 6 Republicans and 15 Democrats. At the time of Perry’s $7.5 million veto, the vast majority of that unit’s case load...
Gaughan for Congress Meetup in C’Ville Tomorrow
Please email if you'd like to carpool from Madison. We'll be rolling out at about 10:30in the morning.
Voting rights trampled in Virginia
If you have problems at the polls on November 4, please call the election protection hotline at 1-866-687-8683 (OUR-VOTE) right away. The recent, confusing development in Virginia’s photo identification requirements for voters carries even more serious implications...