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McAuliffe Vetoes Inequitable Immigration Bills
Both bills were stripped down during the legislative process. In his veto message McAuliffe said they were "stoking irrational fears" and that debate on the bills was "intended to communicate a sense that non-citizens are to be feared and should be treated as more...
Lo, In the Land of Indiana…
Think You Can Vote In the Next Election?
21 States, including Virginia, have new voting restrictions since the 2010 election. None of them are intended to make voting any easier.
What African Americans lost by aligning with the Democratic Party
Democratic lawmakers drafted civil-rights legislation that would challenge Jim Crow laws in the South while leaving de facto segregation in the North intact. When NBC News asked the civil-rights organizer Bayard Rustin why many African American communities rioted the...
Virginia Elections Morning Digest
The Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest is compiled by David Nir and Jeff Singer, with additional contributions from David Jarman, Steve Singiser, Daniel Donner, James Lambert, and Stephen Wolf. ● VA-02 : Perhaps no district better symbolizes the Democratic Party's...
North Carolina’s ‘bathroom bill’ should be flushed
By Ann Telnaes The North Carolina legislature passes and Gov. Pat McCrory signs a bill which require transgender people to use bathrooms according to the sex on their birth certificates rather than what they identify with.
A first-of-its-kind gathering in our nation’s capital is putting We the People back in charge of OUR democracy. Democracy Awakening — organized by Public Citizen, the NAACP, the Communications Workers of America, Greenpeace USA, People For the American Way, the...
Race, Politics, and Redistricting in the South
On March 21, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in Wittman v. Personhuballah about whether Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District, as drawn by the Republican-controlled legislature in 2012, was an unconstitutional racial gerrymander. The disputed map was...
PERSPECTIVE: Judge Garland deserves a hearing
By Mike McClary The president of the United States has performed his Constitutional duty, under Article II, Section 2, to nominate a replacement, Judge Merrick Garland, to succeed the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Now, it is the duty of the president to appoint Judge...
If your ideas hurt people, it doesn’t matter what you call them
Paul Ryan's penance has not been matched by a broader effort to change the substance beneath the words. Ryan has long been the intellectual torchbearer of a public policy that would immediately hurt the same people he has decided to stop calling “takers.” For years,...