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Fox News Posts Anti-Semitic Screed Blaming Jews For Holocaust
via ThinkProgress [Republican presidential candidate Ben] Carson — who is currently leading in some polls — started down this path after the UCC shooting in Oregon, where 13 people were killed. Carson argued that the victims should have attacked the shooter. (In fact,...
The Young and the Registered
Ethics Complaint Filed Against Rep. Barbara Comstock
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 8, 2015 CONTACT: Morgan Finkelstein,, 804-335-0967 In Case You Missed It: ADLF CALLS FOR ETHICS INVESTIGATION INTO REP. COMSTOCK The American Democracy Legal Fund has filed a complaint with the U.S. House of...
Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot
Please join the Madison County Democratic Committee at our next regular meeting, Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. at the George James Community Center, located at 1215 George James Loop, Radiant, VA 22732. We'll have a brief business meeting, followed by a...
We’ve lost a champion
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of legendary civil rights activist Julian Bond. From his days as the co-founder and communications director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s to his chairmanship of the NAACP in the 21st...
Block The Vote: A Journalist Discusses Voting Rights And Restrictions
Fifty years ago, the Voting Rights Act outlawed literacy tests and other measures that had prevented African-Americans from voting. After its passage, Congress amended the act four times to increase its scope. But in 2013, a Supreme Court decision blocked the act's...
The 1 percent’s sinister inequality lie
Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch on Sunday compared the efforts of his political network to the fight for civil rights and other “freedom movements,” part of a growing effort by the organization to emphasize its commitment to the plight of the disenfranchised....
Open letter to progressives: You’re doing it wrong and it’ll cost the Democratic Party
This election isn’t as important as Black Lives Matter. You either agree that black people are in a state of emergency and you pitch in or you don’t and you are part of the problem. But, if progressives continue to throw a tantrum over Black Lives Matter disrupting a...
Was the Civil War About Slavery?
What caused the Civil War? Did the North care about abolishing slavery? Did the South secede because of slavery? Or was it about something else entirely...perhaps states' rights? Colonel Ty Seidule, Professor of History at the United States Military Academy at West...
U.S. police kill another unarmed black man every nine days
So far this year, 24 unarmed black men have been shot and killed by police - one every nine days, according to a Washington Post database of fatal police shootings. During a single two-week period in April, three unarmed black men were shot and killed. All...