Home On Derange(d)

In case you haven’t heard about cattle rancher Cliven Bundy in Nevada, he’s the guy who has become the latest anti-gub’mint celebrity for the libertarian gun crowd. Ol’ Cliven Bundy and I have a lot in common. (Except for the backwards racist...

America’s Mad Dash Toward Oligarchy

Bill Moyers criticized both political parties on Friday for furthering the “protection racket” built to protect the mega-rich from paying their fair share of taxes while extending their influence over politics. “Sad that it’s come to this,” Moyers said. “The drift...

Koch Addicts Are Destroying America

Senate majority leader Harry Reid gave a hell of a speech in Congress about the agenda of the billionaire Koch brothers, carbon barons who are the prime beneficiaries of Citizens United, the Supreme Court case that ruled that corporate persons had the free speech...