by Joan McCarter

Thursday morning Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced his support for a constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United and McCutcheon, the two Supreme Court decisions allowing big money nearly unlimited influence in politics. The core of his argument is this:

Every American should have the same ability to influence our political system. One American, one vote. That’s what the Constitution guarantees. The Constitution does not give corporations a vote.  And the Constitution does not give dollar bills a vote.  From what I’ve heard recently, my Republican colleagues seem to have a different view. Republicans seem to think that billionaires, corporations and special interests should be allowed to drown out the voices of Americans. That is wrong and it has to end.

Reid is not just making noise on the constitutional amendment; Sen. Patrick Leahy followed up by announcing that the Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing in June on the proposed amendment by Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO). Leahy acknowledges the uphill climb this will be, but says the issue is too critical to not fight for.

Reid will force votes on the amendment once it clears committee.