by MCDC | Sep 12, 2016 | 2016 General Election, Action Alerts, Virginia, Voter Rights
The conventional wisdom in the South is that despite gains on the local level, candidates who represent the views of people of color cannot win statewide office. But this conventional wisdom ignores the numbers. In 2012 there were 3.7 million unregistered black...
by MCDC | Sep 11, 2016 | 2016 General Election, News, Quote of the Day, Racism
Yeah, right. Every HRC supporter with a twitter account — please weigh in on the twitter thread and beat back the trumpers....
by MCDC | Sep 11, 2016 | 2016 General Election, Action Alerts, Education, Employment, News
So now what? This 9/11 will see no forum on national service like the one in 2008, which is too bad. This strange and even harsher election season hasn’t sparked much public conversation regarding AmeriCorps expansion. Hillary Clinton has offered a plan embracing the...
by MCDC | Sep 10, 2016 | 2016 General Election, News, Satire
Donald Trump is a birther. He accused the president of being born in Kenya. Trump claimed he sent investigators on the hunt for the evidence. Then he dropped it and started a campaign for the presidency. When asked about it today he deflects to another subject as if...
by MCDC | Sep 10, 2016 | 2016 General Election, Discrimination, Satire
Satire. But just barely.
by MCDC | Sep 9, 2016 | 2016 General Election, 5th District, Economy, Employment, Income Inequality, Issues, Madison County, Virginia
#GetConnected A well-paying, meaningful job for every adult is at the root of addressing most of the fundamental challenges of our country. Jane supports essential job growth by working with localities to determine and then represent their...