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Voter Fraud Farce
About 300,000 Virginia voters lack an ID issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles. Voters can obtain a free photo ID from any local registrar's office. More information can be obtained by visiting or by calling the election protection...
Democrats push for details on Medicaid session
The Daily Press "Not only do we not have a plan, we don't even have a process." The General Assembly is to convene next month to talk about Medicaid expansion, but there's still no firm word on the scope of what they'll tackle – or even what kind of legislation, if...
Eleven questions that expose Libertarians contradictions and faulty logic
Libertarians have a problem. Their political philosophy all but died out in the mid- to late-20th century, but was revived by billionaires and corporations that found them politically useful. And yet libertarianism retains the qualities that led to its disappearance...
Just Thought You Should Know
Historical sketch … The power to issue executive orders comes from both Congress and the Constitution. Every president has used executive orders; Washington issued the first 3 orders within months after being sworn into office. Presidents have used executive orders to...
Watch Mark Warner, Ed Gillespie meet for first Virginia Senate debate Democratic Sen. Mark Warner and Republican Ed Gillespie met Saturday for their first debate, hosted by the Virginia Bar Association. The 90-minute session, moderated by PBS NewsHour co-anchor Judy Woodruff, was broadcast live online from...
The 2014 Midterms May Hinge on “The War on Women”
By Joshua Holland As a coherent and consistent political narrative, “the war on women” is relatively new. But the underlying tension between conservative religious beliefs and women’s access to reproductive health care — including legal abortion without overly...
At a huge free medical clinic in Southwest Virginia, misery that shouldn’t exist
By By Petula Dvorak, The Washington Post A gravel parking lot deep in the green hills of Virginia coal country was packed to capacity by 4 a.m. Friday. More than 1,500 people with canes, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, bleeding gums, black lungs and other ills had come to...
We think Ed Gillespie owes hard working Virginians an apology.
Letter to the Editor Recently, Republican Senate nominee Ed Gillespie was a guest on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. In his appearance, Gillespie said that he doesn’t believe in a “federally mandated...
Republican turns on party, blows up its crock of nonsense
It’s been painfully obvious for months now that the reason offered by House Republicans for why they couldn’t move forward on immigration reform was a crock of nonsense. When asked about the possibility of reforming the immigration system, Speaker John Boehner and the...