Intro to Votebuilder (VAN)

Votebuilder is the common name for the Voter Activation Network (VAN). It is a collaborative project between the Democratic National Committee, the Virginia Democratic Party, local party units, and Democratic campaigns in Virginia. In recent years, Votebuilder has...

The evidence connecting Trump and Russia

Via ThinkProgress When news began trickling out, months ago, that Russia may have tried to influence the American election, the actual news in the U.S. quickly became something akin to a Cold-war era spy novel. There’s now a vast web of circumstantial evidence and...

I Can’t Keep Quiet

“These women are from different states and never met till today. They practiced this song online. I was crying the whole time I filmed this. Show them some love.” ~Alma Har’el   These women are from different states and never met till today....