Yeah, right. Ethics for thee, but not for me..

Cuccinelli's EthicsRICHMOND — Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II urged Gov. Robert F. McDonnell on Monday to call a special General Assembly session to repair “severe holes” in the state’s ethics laws.

With McDonnell embroiled in a gifts scandal over luxury items, five-figure monetary gifts and $120,000 in loans from a Virginia businessman, the Republican candidate to succeed him said Virginia cannot wait until the legislature reconvenes in January to tighten the state’s lax disclosure requirements.

Cuccinelli has his own ties to the Star and Williams, who provided the attorney general with $18,000 in gifts, much of it in the form of air travel and lodging at his Richmond-area home and Smith Mountain Lake vacation house. Cuccinelli initially failed to report substantial stock holdings in the company and about $4,500 of the gifts.

via The Washington Post.