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These Republicans have simply got to go

Wisconsin state Sen. Glenn Grothman: "Right now in Wisconsin, you're not supposed to work seven days in a row, which is a little ridiculous because all sorts of people want to work seven days a week." He's proposing legislation that "would allow an employee to...

Dear Editor: I am writing to inform your readers about a grassroots movement known as Wolf Pac. It is the goal of Wolf Pac to give the government back to the people of this great country. According to a July 2012 Gallup Poll almost 90% of Americans are very concerned...

Voter Fraud Vigilantes

What better way to eliminate the infinitesimal amount of voter fraud in the United States than by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of people? That is basically what the Republican craze of “voter ID” laws will do. These laws will overwhelmingly impact students,...

Republican Cuts Kill

‘Republican Cuts Kill,’ which was produced by the Agenda Project Action Fund, mixes disturbing footage of the Ebola outbreak—including images of body bags, hazmat suits, and corpses—with clips of Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Rand Paul, and Republicans in some of the...


MADISON VA 22727-0081

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Madison County Democratic Committee

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Madison, VA 22727-0081