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The world according to the #GOP
Oklahoma Bill Banning AP US History Would Make Students Study Ten Commandments, 3 Speeches By Reagan The bill, authored by Oklahoma Rep. Dan Fisher, designates a total of 58 documents that “shall form the base level of academic content for all United States History...
Virginia’s powerless voters
Marjorie Hrouda, right, clerk of the House Priveieges and Elections committee, counts the votes of committee chairman Del. Mark L. Cole, R-Spotsylvania, 2nd from right, and others on HB1280 dealing with primary dates in June, during a meeting of the committee at the...
Shame on #FOX for perpetuating race-baiting lies about food stamps
Once again, FOX News has completely mischaracterized the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), claiming that the President is “buying votes” by keeping millions of Americans on the SNAP rolls despite the “full economic recovery.” That statement is...
We don’t need no education, says Republican House committee
Pro tip: elections have consequences
One Perfect Tweet Demonstrates How Utterly Ridiculous the World Is
Plan B
Voters should pick their politicians, not the other way around
RICHMOND — The Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates has intervened in a federal lawsuit that alleges his chamber’s legislative districts were gerrymandered to dilute African-American influence.
Get ready, America. If you liked Richard Nixon, you will love Scott Walker
The video intersperses clips from Wisconsin Governor (and presumed presidential candidate) Scott Walker's recent state of the state speech with video of Walker's State Capitol Police arresting people for observing other people singing folk songs in the Capitol...
Democrats: Build a 50-State Digital Organizers Program
By Dave Leichtman As Colin noted last week, one of the biggest topics of discussion at December’s Rootscamp was how to move the state of the art forward with respect to Digital Organizing. In the Democratic political space, we suffer what can only be described as a...
Lieutenant Governor Northam Casts Tiebreaking Vote to End Employment Discrimination in State Government Today Lieutenant Governor Northam cast his first tie-breaking vote of the 2015 General Assembly in support of SB 785. His vote broke a 19-19 tie on the measure,...