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The Art of the Real

The Art of the Real Disinformation vs. democracy So why has “post-truth” only now become the OED word of the year? Without question, something has shifted in our ever more postmodern world. What the KGB once called dezinformatsiya, and the Reagan administration named...

100 Days of Deconstruction

100 Days of Deconstruction At CPAC, Steve Bannon declared that key members of Trump’s Cabinet were “selected for a reason.” In the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency, that reason has become clear. Donald Trump may be a racist, misogynist, sexual predator, liar and...


By Clay Jones tRump's #RussiaGate I’m really getting tired of people deflecting, distracting, and using false equivalence about subjects they’re incapable of understanding. It’s especially infuriating when those people hold elected office in the United States Senate....

When Labor Fought for Civil Rights

When Labor Fought for Civil Rights The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order—memorialized in the classic anthology of that title edited by Gary Gerstle and Steve Fraser in 1989—might be history, but it never gets old. Eighty-plus years after FDR was inaugurated, the New...

The Media Have Finally Figured Out How to Cover Trump’s Lies

Not just falsehood by falsehood, but as the defining feature of his presidency. Donald Trump is not on the cover of Time this week, and that must gall him. The president is the subject of the magazine’s cover story, the promise of which apparently persuaded him to...

The evidence connecting Trump and Russia

Via ThinkProgress When news began trickling out, months ago, that Russia may have tried to influence the American election, the actual news in the U.S. quickly became something akin to a Cold-war era spy novel. There’s now a vast web of circumstantial evidence and...

Protest and persist: why giving up hope is not an option

Protest and persist: why giving up hope is not an option The true impact of activism may not be felt for a generation. That alone is reason to fight, rather than surrender to despair Hope is a belief that what we do might matter, an understanding that the future is...


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