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2016 Veto Session: Key Takeaways
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 21, 2016 CONTACT: Emily Bolton, Yesterday's veto session was an enormous success for Governor McAuliffe, who did not lose a single veto despite Republican majorities in both chambers. None of the Governor's 68 vetoes...
Democratic Party to sue Arizona over voting rights
“Arizona has a history of problems with guaranteeing the rights of their citizens to vote, and with this lawsuit we hope to stop it now in time for the 2016 general election,” said Marc E. Elias, the elections lawyer for Clinton’s presidential campaign. Elias is...
The grotesque injustice of starving 1 million unemployed Americans
We are in essence punishing the poor for their poverty, as if poverty were an ethical breach, not the result of interlocking social, political, and personal realities, many of which are entirely out of poor people's hands. How often do city planners consider the job...
Were your eyes stitched closed? Senator Elizabeth Warren questions Leonard Chanin at Banking Hearing on Consumer Finance Regulations
US soldiers refuse orders to kill ISIS families
"Republicans ought to focus on doing the right thing: putting up every legitimate roadblock to Trump that they can. Unexpectedly, a key moment in American democracy has snuck up on the GOP. When he denounced Trump, Romney said he wanted to be able to say he’d fought...
Save the Date! 10th Annual Founders Dinner May 12th, 2016
The Madison County Democratic Committee Cordially invites you to join us for our 10th annual Founders Dinner Opening remarks by Jane Dittmar Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress Keynote address by Dorothy L. Holcomb Director, Moton Museum Council Educated in spite...
Who's It Going to Be? Ted Trump or Donald Cruz?
via Alternet When the Associated Press declared Cruz, not Trump, the winner in Wisconsin, the thin-skinned candidate snapped and sent out a press release that reads like the tantrum of a 12-year-old, as the real-estate magnate turned reality-TV star hasn’t faced an...
Call it what it is “You can’t be racist and be a Christian! You all have gotta choose”: Ben Harper opens up about activism, racism and how police brutality “threatens democracy in a very specific way”
DOJ Opens Investigation Into Arizona's Primary Election Chaos
Who's to blame for the long lines at polling places in Maricopa County? "The voters for getting in line, maybe us for not having enough polling places..." - Helen Purcell, Maricopa County Recorder The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an investigation to find...
Supreme Court Shoots Down #GOP Vote Rigging Scheme
The Supreme Court unanimously defended voting rights in a decision today that upheld the principle of one person, one vote by ruling against an effort to use to total voters instead of total population to draw up legislative districts. The case was brought by Texas...