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Obama: We Will Educate Trump During the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner, President Obama discussed issues of civil rights and slavery in relation to Donald Trump. Addressing the Congressional Black Caucus gala for the last time as...
Hasan Minhaj’s Truth Bomb
Trump’s relationship with the press is at the heart of so much that is troubling about his candidacy "For a long while, these thoughts have...
Shoot The Birther
via CLAYTOONZ Trump has been under so much heat over the birther racism agenda he championed that he finally admitted Obama was born in America. Did Trump admit he was wrong? Did he fork over the $5 million to charity he promised to deliver after he was convinced...
First Lady Michelle Obama Brings Down the House at Virginia’s George Mason University Learn more about Hillary’s vision and the issues she’ll fight for as president..
This November, voters in Virginia will head to the polls to choose the next President of the United States, but that's not all that's on the ballot... Voters will decide on Amendment 1 - an attempt to enshrine part of Virginia's existing right to work law in our state...
I, Too, Sing America
THE SMITHSONIAN’S National Museum of African American History and Culture opens on Sept. 24 in Washington after a long journey. Thirteen years since Congress and President George W. Bush authorized its construction, the 400,000-square-foot building stands on a...
BREAKING: Virginia Supreme Court denies Republican effort to hold McAulffe in contempt
UPDATE: RICHMOND (September 15, 2016) -- Attorney General Herring issued the following statement after the Supreme Court of Virginia rejected legislators' motion to hold Governor McAuliffe in contempt for his efforts to restore Virginians' voting rights: "This...
176 Reasons Donald Trump Shouldn’t Be President
Keith Olbermann’s Premiere Episode Absolutely Eviscerates ‘Demonic Messiah’ Donald Trump “Every few generations we Americans are called upon to defend our country,” Olbermann begins. “To defend it not so much from foreign dictators or war or terrorism, but from those...
PhoneBank for Hillary and Tim in Madison Saturday, 9/17
SAT, SEP 17, 2016 11:00AM – 2:00PM EDT Madison County Library 402 N Main St. Madison, Virginia 22727 Please RSVP (and bring a friend)! Hillary Clinton has served as secretary of state, U.S. senator from New York, first lady of the United States, first lady of...
House Republicans Are Trying to Blackball the Climate Investigation into Exxon
ONCE UPON A time, climate science and politics were separate things. Then came several decades of scientific denial, distortion, and gaslighting. One of the companies responsible for politicizing climate change is ExxonMobil, which for years funded climate change...