Our Candidates

Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Delegate Charniele Herring congratulated Terry McAuliffe, Ralph Northam and Mark Herring on winning the endorsement of the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce:

 “Today the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce broke their long streak of endorsing Republican candidates for governor and chose Terry McAuliffe’s mainstream, ‘jobs first’ approach over Ken Cuccinelli’s extreme ideological agenda. They also chose Senator Ralph Northam and Senator Mark Herring as the best candidates to lead us forward as Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General.

“Democrats, Republicans and independents from across Virginia are supporting our mainstream Democratic ticket because they want results-oriented government that works, not more of Ken Cuccinelli’s divisive attacks on women’s health, gay and lesbian Virginians and even scientific research at the University of Virginia. I want to congratulate our entire ticket for earning the Fairfax Chamber’s endorsement and commend the Chamber for making the right choice to create jobs and grow our economy.”