Enough Is Enough
Image via the ACLU

Endorsed By Rick Santorum for his cowardly escalation of the GOP’s ongoing war on women, Tea Party candidate Ken Cuccinelli is currently down by 18 points among women voters in his bid to succeed scandal-plagued Bob McDonnell as Virginia Governor.

We’ve known for a while that when it comes to women’s health Ken Cuccinelli is far outside the mainstream. But it doesn’t just end there – his record on women’s rights is just as extreme:

Ken Cuccinelli:

  • Was one of only three state attorneys general who refused to support the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
  • Introduced legislation that would have given Virginia some of the most extreme divorce laws in America by forcing a mom trying to get out of a bad marriage, over her husband’s objections, to prove adultery or physical abuse or her spouse abandoning her or being sentenced to jail [SB 725, 2008].
  • Is linked to fathers’ rights groups that believe the legal system is “stacked against men in divorce and custody cases,” oppose the Violence Against Women Act, and oppose adequate child support payments.
  • Refuses to say whether or not he supports equal pay measures.