“Thomas Jefferson wrote, ‘Come forward then and give us the aid of your talents and the weight of your character towards the new establishment of [democracy].’ The Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia is proud to work in this Jeffersonian tradition. Sorensen was founded in 1993 to bring together diverse individuals with a passion for politics and public service. All have a wide variety of viewpoints and backgrounds but want to work together for the common good. Our non-partisan mission is to strengthen and enhance the quality of government at all levels throughout Virginia.”

Please join the Madison County Democratic Committee in welcoming our new intern Maggie Anderson at our next public meeting at 9:30 a.m. on August 10th, 2013 at the George James Community Center in Radiant.  A 2013 graduate of The Sorensen Institute’s College Leadership Program, Maggie will share some of her experiences working with the Warner and McAuliffe campaigns as she prepares to help the MCDC with our Taste of the Mountain booth, our “meet and greet” with 30th District candidate Traci Dippert and our GOTV (get out the vote) efforts later this fall.

Maggie Anderson, Madison, Roanoke College (2013), Political Science; President, Roanoke College Democrats; President, Public Affairs Society; Secretary, Amnesty International; Secretary Omicron Delta Kappa; Research Assistant, Dr. Todd Peppers; Research Assistant, Dr. Julie Lyon; Intern, Senator Mark Warner’s DC Office; member, Phi Beta Kappa; member, Pi Sigma Alpha; member, Alpha Chi; member, Order of Omega; and recipient of Will Selzer Political Science Award.