Five days after he was scheduled to appear at the Madison County Republicans annual BBQ, Lt. Governor candidate E.W. Jackson had this to say to WLEE host Jack Gravely..

“I believe that the Democrat Party has become an anti-God party, I think it’s an anti-life party, I think it’s an anti-family party,”

Democrats see Jackson’s latest comments as evidence that the party isn’t serious about being more inclusive after it’s much-discussed autopsy report issued earlier this year. “The actions and rhetoric of EW Jackson and his scandal-plagued running mate are an embarrassment but the sad fact is that they are the standard bearers of today’s Republican Party that are pouring in resources in direct support of the Virginia Republican ticket. It’s high time for the Republican Party to stand up to the extreme elements that are calling the shots in today’s GOP, but I won’t hold my breath,” DNC communications director Michael Czin said in an email.

“The question is whether his running mates Ken Cuccinelli and Mark Obenshain, both of whom have also built careers on divisive and extreme agendas, stand by their running mate’s attacks,” -DPVA Press Secretary Ashley Bauman

77 percent of Democrats surveyed last year said they ‘never doubt the existence of God’ Sixty-two percent also agreed that prayer is an important part of their daily life, and that ‘we will all be called before God at the Judgment Day to answer for our sins.’—The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press