Tag: #NeverTrump (Page 4 of 8)

Hasan Minhaj’s Truth Bomb

Trump’s relationship with the press is at the heart of so much that is troubling about his candidacy


“For a long while, these thoughts have been coursing through my veins with concern and disbelief, and yet my abiding loyalty to the notion of fair, accurate and unbiased journalism held me in check from saying it out loud – much as I suspect it has muzzled the true feelings of many of my colleagues.

But we must remember that Donald Trump knows this and cynically plays the press corps’ deep desire for fairness to his undeserved benefit. The latest, barring the traveling press from covering an event and using them as ridicule in a speech, are but the most recent chapters in a novel full of outrageous acts. And this sentiment apparently extends to members of his own family as witnessed by his daughter Ivanka’s actions in an interview with Cosmo.

I am well aware that I will be met with bile and venom for saying this, called a communist, a liberal in bed with Hillary Clinton, a washed-up joke. To quote Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind, “frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Let others attack my motives. My conscience is clean. This is not about partisan politics, about who is right on immigration or gun control. This is about the very machinery that has allowed our American experiment to persist and thrive, a machinery which is far more fragile than we would like to believe.

Trump’s relationship with the press is at the heart of so much that is troubling about his candidacy – the secrecy, the lack of transparency on something as normal as tax returns, the flaunting of the very rules by which we elect our leaders, the appeasement of hate groups. And his embrace of Roger Ailes and Breitbart, institutions who have polluted press freedoms, is a further dangerous sign of decay.

And yet when presented with this challenge, too much of the press has been cowed into inaction. This is a man who can be fact-checked into obscurity by any second grader with an Internet connection. And yet when he issues a mealy-mouth non-apology about President Obama’s obvious pedigree as an American, here we are with too many in the press not acknowledging his years of lies (check your Twitter feeds about how the New York Times initially covered this event). All of this of course sets the stage for Trump to lie again about somehow birtherism being Clinton’s fault.

I fear that this mindset will infect the debates. Trump is already setting the stage for that. If you are moderating and are not going to fact check him, you might as well just roll campaign speeches live — far too many of which have been shown on television without being subjected to journalistic context. If these debates will be debates in name only, another opportunity for Trump to flout fairness by spewing his venom and bullshine, I say cancel them.

Enough is enough. It is a reality that every reporter must come to grips with. Trump is not a normal candidate. This is not a normal election. He will set a precedent that other demagogues will study and follow. Fear, combined with the lure of ratings, views, clicks and profits, have hypnotized too much of the press into inaction and false equivalency for far too long. I am optimistic the trance is being broken. Fear not the Internet trolls. Fear instead the judgement of history.” –Dan Rather

Shoot The Birther


Shoot the Birther

Trump has been under so much heat over the birther racism agenda he championed that he finally admitted Obama was born in America. Did Trump admit he was wrong? Did he fork over the $5 million to charity he promised to deliver after he was convinced Obama was born in the U.S? No and no.

After spending years on the racist birther lie Trump spent all of 36 seconds to say it was all a big hoax. He claims his birther campaign was a benefit to America as it provoked Obama to prove his citizenship. Obama never needed to prove his citizenship. Trump took no responsibility for afflicting our nation with a double dose of racism and hatred.

As if lying to cover up a lie wasn’t enough on a Friday, Trump said Hillary Clinton’s bodyguards should disarm to see what happens to her. This was part of his attack toward Clinton’s position on gun safety as he accuses her of having an agenda to eliminate the 2nd Amendment (which is impossible).

Trump also blamed Hillary Clinton for creating the birther issue. This is a big fat lie and yet Trump is viewed by more voters as being more truthful than Clinton. Hillary Clinton didn’t do the talk-show circuit promoting birtherism. That was Trump. Nevertheless, engaging in a disgusting, hateful, and racist act isn’t made OK because someone did it first. Our options for president should be adults, not babies.

176 Reasons Donald Trump Shouldn’t Be President

Keith Olbermann’s Premiere Episode Absolutely Eviscerates ‘Demonic Messiah’ Donald Trump

“Every few generations we Americans are called upon to defend our country,” Olbermann begins. “To defend it not so much from foreign dictators or war or terrorism, but from those here who have no commitment to progress or Democracy or representative government, no commitment to anything except their own out-of-control minds and the bottomless pits of their egos.”

After calling Trump a “demonic messiah in Oompa Loompa’s clothing,” Olbermann spends the next 15 minutes recounting what he claims are the 176 most egregious things Trumps had done since his campaign began last year.

“We have always thrown them out and now our generation has its own,” he continues. “The most dangerous individual ever nominated by a major party for the highest office in this country.”

PhoneBank for Hillary and Tim in Madison Saturday, 9/17

SAT, SEP 17, 2016 11:00AM – 2:00PM EDT

Madison County Library
402 N Main St.
Madison, Virginia 22727

Please RSVP (and bring a friend)!

Hillary Clinton
has served as secretary of state, U.S. senator from New York, first lady of the United States, first lady of Arkansas, a practicing lawyer and law professor, and an activist. But the first thing her friends and family will tell you is that she’s never forgotten where she came from or who she’s been fighting for throughout her life.

Tim Kaine has spent more than two decades in public service. He’s actually one of only 30 people in history to have served as a mayor, governor, and a U.S. Senator. But what friends and colleagues remark on the most is Tim’s relentless passion for fighting for others—and for getting the job done. Tim’s optimism is rooted in his faith and informed by his experiences as a missionary, civil rights lawyer, teacher, and public servant. He’s lived his life according to the simple creed he learned as a boy, always striving to be a “man for others.”

Please RSVP (and bring a friend)!

Trump Claims He Respects HRC supporters.

Yeah, right. Every HRC supporter with a twitter account — please weigh in on the twitter thread and beat back the trumpers.


Go Hillary. He truly has no idea what he’s stepping into.

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