We are the Democratic Committee of Madison County, Virginia, organized to help protect the needs and interests of families and individuals living and working in our communities.
For Democracy
Engage • Volunteer • Organize • Vote
Check our calendar for information on upcoming meetings (usually the fourth Saturday of the month at Antioch Baptist Church starting at 10:00 a.m.), programs, and special events.
Join the MCDC
Madison County has a vibrant, active, and productive Democratic committee! Join us to meet like-minded local residents who are focused on supporting our candidates and helping our community!
We have many opportunities for volunteering, especially as we near elections! Help out with phone or text banking, canvassing, writing letters and postcards, and many other activities!

Current News
DPVA Rural Caucus 3rd Annual Retreat
Rural Caucus Mission: To nurture connections between communities of people who may, or may not yet, vote Democratic in Virginia’s non-urban areas, to engage local people to determine the issues and priorities that matter to them, and to ensure sustainable rural life...
Virginia: a rights battleground
A Republican-dominated general assembly is churning out laws that target the state's new minorities A Republican-dominated General Assembly is churning out legislation targeting the new...
General Assembly kills redistricting reform efforts Republican members of the House Privileges and Elections subcommittee voted against reporting one of several redistricting bills...
Federal judge in Virginia issues strong rebuke of Trump travel ban
A federal judge in Alexandria has issued a preliminary injunction against President Trump’s travel ban, dealing another blow to the White House attempt to bar residents of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. The executive order, Judge...
Phoenix Rising?
A new, liberal tea party is forming. Can it last without turning against Democrats? It’s a...
When We Meet
We meet the fourth Saturday of every month at Antioch Baptist Church, 1165 Mud Rd., in Madison. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. and our business meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. For more information click here.
Our Goals
Get out the vote with us!
We are united in our effort to elect leaders of character, integrity, ability, vision and commitment to delivering results for all Virginians.