The Madison County Democratic Committee is pleased to announce an Afternoon of Advocacy, focusing on two key matters of concern for Virginia voters. To be held on June 12 at 4:00 PM at the Madison County Chamber of Commerce, the program will feature special guests Terry Cooper and Linda Periello from OneVirginia2021, a Charlottesville-based coalition that brings together concerned citizens from all over the Commonwealth to re-energize forces for fair, non-partisan redistricting.

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Next, we’ll hear from Lorne Seay, Secretary Treasurer of the Virginia AFL-CIO, who will address the audience about an imminent threat to Virginia’s Constitution in the form of an amendment to enshrine an existing law designed to infringe upon the rights of workers and stifle our collective voices.

Following the presentations, We’ll discuss how we can best get involved in both of these initiatives, as well as talk about our plans to help with Jane Dittmar’s Congressional Campaign.

We’ll try to wrap everything up in plenty of time for dinner.  See you Sunday!