In a campaign video released today, the former Secretary of State has officially declared her intention to run in 2016. The announcement confirms rumors that have been floating around for more than a year and kicks off the Democratic Party’s battle for the presidential nomination.

“Wife, mom, grandma, women+kids advocate, FLOTUS, Senator, SecState, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, 2016 presidential candidate.” ~Twitter Bio

The video wasn’t quite the first official confirmation of Clinton’s campaign — an email sent out earlier this afternoon by an aide to past donors from the 2008 campaign made the presidential run official. But the YouTube video is the public-facing announcement. It appeals to everyday working Americans and their families, and uses the limelight to paint the candidate as a defender of those without influence, money, or power. Alongside the video, campaign staffers published a new Facebook page for Clinton that includes a (selective) history of her life, starting from her birth in 1947.