Explains how system failed his son, Gus

By Anne Adams

Creigh Deed, Gus Deeds

HOT SPRINGS — The loss is crushing.

A 24-year-old with everything to gain thanks to his multiple talents, Gus Deeds was cherished by his friends and family; he touched everyone around him.

“He could have written the great American novel, or the great song,” his father, Sen. Creigh Deeds, said Monday. “He could have performed professionally, been in a symphony orchestra … He had unlimited potential. He was sweet, generous, and he was never driven by material stuff. He had a bright, bright future. He was so capable; he could do anything and do it well.”

But Gus died Nov. 19, leaving a gaping hole for those who knew and cared for him. The circumstances of his death are heartbreaking and complicated…