via NPR

Creigh DeedsSaying he is “alive for a reason and I will work for change,” Virginia state Sen. Creigh Deeds has told a Virginia news outlet that his life’s work now “is to make sure other families don’t have to go through what we are living.”

Deeds, 55, was stabbed and seriously wounded by his 24-year-old son, Gus, on Nov. 19. Gus Deeds then shot and killed himself.

The day before the attack and the younger man’s suicide, Gus Deeds was given a mental health evaluation and local authorities tried to have him placed in a psychiatric facility where he could get care. But they did not locate such a facility before time expired on an emergency custody order. Questions have been raised about whether officials contacted enough hospitals. Regardless, Gus Deeds was released.

Now, as Politico reports, Creigh Deeds has told Virginia’s The Recorder that he believes the local Community Services Board that oversees cases such as his son’s is responsible for what happened.

I hope we can make a positive change as a result of this tragedy,’ Deeds told The Recorder. ‘I hope the justice we can get for my son is to force change in the delivery system for mental health services