via the Democratic Party of Virginia

This morning The Washington Post broke a story about Ken Cuccinelli’s relationship with “Fathers’ Rights” advocates and his record of support for their legislative priorities.

CuccinelliAs he appears in public today, Cuccinelli should explain his association with activists who seek to convince the public that “men are frequently victimized by false allegations of domestic abuse.”

He should explain why he introduced legislation backed by Fathers’ Rights groups that would have made penalized Virginia women seeking to divorce their husbands.

He should explain why he was the only Virginia Senator to vote against legislation (opposed by Fathers’ Rights groups) seeking to increase child support payments to keep pace with inflation.

He should explain whether Fathers’ Rights advocates and their opposition to the Violence Against Women Act led him to become one of just 3 state attorneys general in the entire nation to refuse to sign a letter to congress urging them to reauthorize the act.

Cuccinelli’s support for aspects of the groups’ agenda illustrates how his personal
and religious views have helped shape his political career and continue to
affect it as he runs for governor against businessman Terry McAuliffe.

He should explain whether his work on behalf of Fathers’ Rights groups and their agenda influenced his decision to remove “domestic relations” and “child custody cases” from his description of his law practice on his campaign materials.

Finally, Ken Cuccinelli should explain today what message he thinks it sends for their Attorney General to have devoted so much attention to an agenda that seeks to stack the deck against women in divorce proceedings, custody battles and even reducing domestic violence.