For the second time since his May nomination as the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, E.W. Jackson has failed to properly disclose donations to his campaign by the deadline set by state law, according to state election officials.

Tea Party Candidate E.W. Jackson

By 5 p.m. Monday, the filing deadline, Jackson had reported $118,608 in contributions for May 30 to June 30. As required, he also provided an itemized list of donors.

But topping the list of donations was a contribution of $48,155 attributed to Jackson for Lt. Governor, his own political action committee. In essence, his campaign made the list’s largest one-time contribution to itself, suggesting that the donation may be made of numerous smaller contributions by undisclosed donors.

The nonpartisan Virginia Public Access Project has been tracking money in politics since 1997, and this is the first time anyone there can recall a committee listing one big donation from itself, rather than itemizing donors, said David Poole, VPAP’s executive director.