Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli is working with coal companies and State Policy Network groups backed by Koch Industries to rollback VA’s voluntary clean energy program.

The same Dominion that gave him $10,000 for his run for governor, on top of almost $46,000 in previous years for other political positions.

Virginia’s law needs to be strengthened in ways that increase clean energy production and the good jobs that come with it.

Dominion Power is way behind in making sure Virginians can rely on reasonable, consistent and stable electricity bills, as well as clean energy sources that don’t contribute to climate disruption. To get up to speed, its plans need a greater focus on energy efficiency as well as wind and solar power.

Instead, Dominion Power is proposing a road-map that will leave Virginia further behind the curve: a $1 billion natural gas facility in Brunswick County. It’s a poor choice because natural gas is susceptible to volatile prices and, as a fossil fuel, contributes to global warming…

via  Alexandria Times.