“I don’t know who authored this provision, maybe somebody in Washington knows but no one is willing to put their name on it and that’s a shame..”

Unfortunately, the Senate passed the Continuing Resolution with the biotech rider today.  Now we need to raise our voices with the House to stop this sleazy rider in its tracks.

Please call your representative and stop the biotech rider!

Sample text: “I am a constituent and asking Representative _____ to oppose the biotech rider, section 735, in the Continuing Resolution of H.R. 933.”

This is legislation in which biotech companies (think Monsanto) have snuck in a provision that ends judicial oversight of plants, including the regulation of genetically engineered (GE) crops.

Called the “Farmer Assurance Provision” as though it will help farmers and those growing our food, this provision strips the rights of federal courts to halt the sale and planting of genetically engineered crops during the legal appeals process.  Once again, Monsanto and the biotech industry are working behind closed doors to undermine our rights and our judicial system. This time they’ve gone too far!

The rider states the “Secretary of Agriculture shall immediately grant temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation … shall authorize the movement, introduction, continued cultivation, commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities…” of plants, even while under judicial review.

You can read more about this legislation on our blog.

In cooperation,

Elizabeth and Shireen
On behalf of GMO Inside