Category: 5th District (Page 3 of 8)

Access to quality broadband is a necessity of modern life

To The Editor

Central Virginia is an amazing place to live. We are blessed with natural beauty and historical significance. However, many of our neighbors are struggling.

In much of the region, where we once had thriving industry and agriculture, there is now little economic growth or opportunity. Revitalizing our economy won’t happen overnight and won’t happen on its own. We must build for the future to attract business and industry back to our district. Our first step: Get our district connected.

Access to quality broadband is a necessity of modern life. The economic and social benefits of internet access are numerous. Communities without widespread broadband have less economic growth and higher unemployment. Individuals without a quality Internet connection cannot apply for jobs, and lack online career building tools and social media to connect them with employers.

Without Internet access, our children have limited access to critical educational resources and online homework, leaving them at a disadvantage. Broadband access in rural areas will expand telemedicine opportunities, giving our neighbors expanded access to doctors and medical information, as well as online veterans benefit information for those who have served our country.

Despite the undeniable benefits, our district is among the worst connected regions in the country. In the 5th District, only 37 percent of people have access to the FCC’s minimum defined speed for quality broadband, 25 mbps. Nationally, 90 percent of Americans have access to these speeds. Even rural regions nationwide are far more connected with 61 percent connected to high-speed broadband. We must do more to compete in an increasingly connected world.

Residents of Virginia’s 5th District have a right to the benefits of accessible broadband and we have the ability to make it happen. The FCC created the Connect America Fund to build broadband infrastructure in underserved regions. As residents of the 5th District, we have already paid federal taxes into this fund. I want to bring our money home. Without raising taxes a penny, we can revitalize our region’s economy and prepare it for our children’s futures.

Just as in broadband, status quo politics has failed us. Politicians more concerned with party politics than the people have ignored the problems of districts like ours for too long. My opponent represents more of the same; a career politician who is proud of his record of obstructionism and ideological extremism. We deserve better.

My name is Jane Dittmar. I am running for Congress to get this district back on track. I humbly ask for your vote on Nov. 8 so we can work together to create quality jobs, ensure a good education for our children, and improve our district’s future. Let’s get connected.

Jane Dittmar

Democrat nominee

U.S. 5th District

LTE: Dittmar has strong fiscal record

With no reservations, I support the election of Democrat Jane Dittmar to Congress.

From 1990 until 2002, I was an elected Republican and served two terms as chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors. I believed in the Republican Party’s ethics of small government and support of small business. I attempted to live out these values in my votes on the Board of Supervisors and my prior 10 years of service and service years as chairman of the Albemarle County Planning Commission.

We have had enough of Republican obstructionism. We need Jane, with her small-business background and mediation skills, representing us and breaking through the gridlock in Washington to get things done.

For the Record: Tom Garrett’s Top Ten Most Ridiculous Lies

CHARLOTTESVILLE—Before tonight’s debate, Jane Dittmar’s campaign released Tom Garrett’s top ten most ridiculous lies and hypocritical statements.

“Tom Garrett continuously repeats in our debates “You’re entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts,” said Dittmar campaign manager Tom Vandever. “Well, Tom’s opinions and his ‘facts’ seem to be flat out incorrect or cherry-picked to fit his needs, and we hope the media holds him accountable to his own words during tonight’s debate.”

Breaking: President Obama to Announce Endorsement of Jane Dittmar for Congress

“As we exit the stage, to make sure that we’re passing the baton not only to Hillary Clinton,” he said, “but also to a Congress that is willing to do the people’s business.”

President Barack Obama is endorsing 30 more House candidates Monday, expanding his effort to use his rising popularity to help Democrats looking to flip or hold swing districts across the country — and crush them under the association with Donald Trump.

Get Connected!

“The president’s proud to stand with these Democratic candidates who understand that the gridlock and obstruction in Washington needs to end next January,”

Obama’s already taped ads and robocalls for several candidates, and more is expected in the final two weeks until Election Day.

The endorsements “make the case to voters that Democrats will put people first and make real progress for our country, while Republicans will continue to put party over country by supporting Donald Trump as their standard-bearer,” said Kelly Ward, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Sunday evening.

New Poll: Dittmar vs Garret Now Just A Six-Point Race

CONTACT: Genevieve Cox


New Poll: Dittmar vs Garret Now Just A Six-Point Race

Dittmar leads with independents 41% to 38%

A poll conducted ten days ago finds that that Jane Dittmar is rapidly closing in on her Republican opponent. Dittmar now narrowly trails Tom Garrett by six points (41%-47%) in the race for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District.

This come after a month of ads highlighting Jane Dittmar’s powerful story as a moderate  small businesswoman and mediator. The poll is a demonstration of how the national environment and Donald Trump’s toxic candidacy are damaging Tom Garrett  who still supports Donald Trump even after the revelation of his comments on sexually assaulting women. Despite the perception that Trump is popular in this district, he narrowly leads hillary Clinton. Trump’s unfavorable ratings are 54%.

“I’m so solidly in the Trump camp that I can’t find a word strong enough to describe it.”

-Tom Garrett

Most notably, Dittmar is winning among independents (41% to 38%), and she will continue to  grow her support among independents as Donald Trump’s campaign continues to tank, and following Trump’s campaign announcement that he is, “pulling out of Virginia.” Trendlines show rapid movement in Dittmar’s direction.

“It is clear that voters are embracing Jane’s moderate profile and thoughtful plans for good-paying jobs, solid infrastructure, and putting Washington back to working for families,” said campaign manager Tom Vandever. “The voters of Virginia are clearly rejecting the reckless campaign of Donald Trump and Tom Garrett who has pledged to support the dangerous nominee under any circumstance.”

Read the poll memo here.

Anzalone Liszt Grove Research conducted N=400 live telephone interviews with likely 2016 voters in Virginia CD-05. Interviews were conducted between October 10-12, 2016. Respondents were selected at random, with interviews apportioned demographically based on past voter turnout. Expected margin of sampling error for is 4.9% with a 95% confidence level.


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