The Madison County Democratic Committee has cancelled a Call to Caucus to elect Delegates to the Fifth District Democratic Convention.
The Madison Democratic caucus originally scheduled for 11 a.m. tomorrow, May 10, at the Madison Presbyterian Church, has been canceled. The purpose of the caucus was to elect 5 Madison delegates to the 5th CD Democratic convention, and as of the filing deadline, 5 people had properly filed to be Delegates (or Alternates). All 5 filed as “Uncommitted”, which means it is not possible to elect delegates pledged to either of the two Congressional Candidates, and the caucus is pointless. The 5 filed candidates were declared elected, and they will proceed to the convention on May 31st (if held).
The regular monthly meeting for tomorrow will proceed as planned at 9:30 a.m., at the Madison Presbyterian Church. Items on the agenda include planning for the Business Expo this month, discussion on the Madison Dems’ new “Volunteer book” (work-in-process), and updates/strategies from the Warner campaign.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!