Every Day is Veterans DayNobody serves in the military to make a lot of money. They do it to protect our freedoms and country. Yet too many of our men and women have come back broken — only to get kicked to the curb. A helpless, hungry or homeless hero is unacceptable in America! We must do better.

41 Republican Senators killed a comprehensive veterans benefits package last week, with no intention of lifting another finger in the near future. Many of these GOP Senators voted to send our soldiers to war in Iraq, and are now warmongering over the crisis in Ukraine.

The legislation called for expanding several veterans benefits, including dental and medical care, educational assistance and the caretaker stipends that currently apply only to post-Sept. 11 veterans. It also required the repeal of a recent cut to the cost-of-living adjustments for future military retirees and would have allowed VA to open 27 new health facilities.

Somehow it was okay to run a deficit to fight two wars, but now Republicans can’t find the money to give our soldiers support when they’ve come home.  Hey #GOP, “don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.”

Their votes speak loud and clear:

The #GOPHatesVets

These are the 41 senators who voted against the veteran benefits bill:

@SenAlexander (R-TN)
@SenatorAyotte (R-NH)
@SenJohnBarrasso (R-WY)
@RoyBlunt (R-MO)
@JohnBoozman (R-AR)
@SenatorBurr (R-NC)
@SaxbyChambliss (R-GA)
@SenDanCoats (R-IN)
@TomCoburn (R-OK)
@SenThadCochran (R-MS)
@SenatorCollins (R-ME)
@SenBobCorker (R-TN)
@JohnCornyn (R-TX)
@MikeCrapo (R-ID)
@TedCruz (R-TX)
@SenatorEnzi (R-WY)
@SenatorFischer (R-NE)
@JeffFlake (R-AZ)
@GrahamBlog (R-SC)
@ChuckGrassley (R-IA)
@SenOrrinHatch (R-UT)
@SenJohnHoeven (R-ND)
@InhofePress (R-OK)
@SenatorIsakson (R-GA)
@Mike_Johanns (R-NE)
@SenRonJohnson (R-WI)
@SenatorKirk (R-IL)
@SenMikeLee (R-UT)
@SenJohnMcCain (R-AZ)
@McConnellPress (R-KY)
@SenRandPaul (R-KY)
@RobPortman (R-OH)
@SenatorRisch (R-ID)
@SenPatRoberts (R-KS)
@SenRubioPress (R-FL)
@SenatorTimScott (R-SC)
@SenatorSessions (R-AL)
@SenShelbyPress (R-AL)
@SenJohnThune (R-SD)
@SenToomey (R-PA)
@DavidVitter (R-LA)