by Laura Clawson via Think Progress

The 25 Manhattan Domino’s workers who lost their jobs after protesting being forced to work below minimum wage will be back on the job this weekend, thanks to an agreement with New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Delivery workers were told to do tasks that wouldn’t lead to tips, but the store continued to pay them a wage legal only for tipped workers. They protested, and lost their jobs.

The fired staff said Domino’s forced them to perform tasks like cleaning or kitchen work for the low tipped minimum wage of $5. Employees who make the tipped wage are supposed to make up the difference with the regular minimum wage in tips, but not when they are asked to work for no tips.

In addition to the attorney general’s role in getting the workers their jobs back, local politicians and community groups like New York Communities for Change pressured the Domino’s franchise owner with repeated rallies in support of the workers. It’s good to see that in New York, at least, when the attorney general notices labor laws are being broken, he takes action. But as Jose Sanchez pointed out, wage theft is overwhelmingly common in New York City’s fast food restaurants and often doesn’t draw notice, with workers not empowered or supported to fight back.