Conservative Virginia radio host John Fredericks urged Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell to resign as federal prosecutors look into whether McDonnell aided a company whose CEO gave his wife hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and money.

Fredericks has been a consistent supporter of McDonnell during the growing scandal, but said that a Sunday story by The Washington Post changed his mind.

The concept — and claim — that Bob McDonnell did not know what his wife was doing with tens of thousands of dollars is laughable and intellectually disingenuous

The latest revelations of Star Scientific stock purchases and sales and repurchase shenanigans by Maureen McDonnell to avoid Virginia’s only safeguard — financial disclosures — is a trampling and mocking of the public trust,” Fredericks said in an interview with Ben Tribbett on WHKT AM 1650 Monday morning. “The legality of these financial moves is moot. It’s about trust — and I believe the McDonnells have now given that away.”

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