Get The Facts on Immigration ReformLegislation to reform the immigration system in the U.S. is winding its way through Congress, which is expected to pick up debate when they return from their summer recess. The U.S. Senate passed their version of a bill with a mix of support from both sides of the aisle but the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is bracing for a more contentious battle.

In 2011, Jose Antonio Vargas outed himself as an undocumented immigrant in the New York Times Magazine. In his new film DOCUMENTED, Jose chronicles his journey to America from the Philippines as a child; his journey through America as an immigration reform activist/provocateur; and his journey inward as he re-connects with his mother, whom he hasn’t seen in 20 years.

Part of The Washington Post team that won the Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting in 2008 for their coverage of the Virginia Tech shootings, there is no path for Vargas to gain citizenship the way the current bills have been drafted. Because he is not the kin of documented workers or the parent of undocumented children, there is currently no way for him to gain a path to citizenship since the DREAM Act was killed in the last Congress.

But Jose’s story is merely one of 11 MILLION undocumented immigrant stories.

August is the month when members of Congress leave Washington to spend time in their home districts. It’s a chance for lawmakers to hear directly from the people they represent, and it’s a critical time to make your voice heard on the issues you care most about.

Don’t let Speaker Boehner and the house Stand in the way of our country’s future.

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