“There’s a new controversy brewing – one that could mean trouble for Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. It involves a lawsuit on behalf of landowners in Southwestern Virginia.

They claim two energy companies failed to pay them royalties on methane gas wells. One of those firms has given $100,000 to Cuccinelli’s campaign – and now a judge in the case says she’s shocked by e-mails from the attorney general’s office to those energy companies.” – wvtf.org

U.S. Magistrate Judge Pamela Meade Sargent said in a filed court opinion that the relationship was revealed in emails provided to the court by the plaintiffs in the case against EQT Production Co. and CNX Gas Co., two Pittsburgh-area energy companies.

“Shockingly,” Meade wrote in her opinion, “these emails show that the [state Gas & Oil] board, or at least [attorney general Sharon] Pigeon, has been actively involved in assisting EQT and CNX with the defense of these cases, including offering advice on and providing information for use on the motions before the court.” – www.tricities.com

PDF Pigeon email to CNX and EQT attorneys 1
PDF Pigeon email to CNX and EQT attorneys 2
PDF Pigeon email to CNX and EQT attorneys 3
PDF Pigeon email to EQT attorney 1
PDF Pigeon email to EQT attorney 2
PDF Pigeon email to CNX attorney 1
PDF Pigeon email to CNX attorney 2
PDF Pigeon email to CNX attorney 3