Va. teachers union blasts Jackson proposalRichmond, VA—Today the President of the Virginia Education Association, Meg Gruber, and state Senator Mamie Locke held a press call to discuss E.W. Jackson’s proposed constitutional mandate to spend equal state resources on homeschoolers and public school children. Based on analysis from the VEA, Jackson’s proposal would result in a $100 million cut from Virginia’s public schools.

“As an educator, I can tell you that firing teachers is not the way to improve our schools, said Senator Mamie Locke. “Jackson’s plan makes cuts that will do serious damage to our public education system.”

“Using the most recent data available on actual funding, VEA estimates that the diversion of state funding to home-schooling families would take about $100 million out of aid to public education, funding that currently goes to public schools in Virginia, said VEA President Meg Gruber. “This move would force layoffs of over 1,700 teachers across Virginia or force a $100 million tax hike on Virginia families.”

“At a time when Virginia’s public education system is barely getting by with low levels of funding, E.W. Jackson would make even deeper cuts.”